Concussion Management of New York

Va. House panel rejects youth sports concussions bill

Under the proposal, Del. Rich Anderson, R-Prince William County, coaches and employees would have had to complete annual training on concussions. School divisions and youth sports organizations also would have had to provide concussion information to parents and develop procedures for recognizing concussion symptoms and ensuring athletes who suffer those head injuries receiving medical clearance before returning to the field. HB1719

In the current law, passed in 2010 requires the Board of Education to develop guidelines for “concussion education, awareness, and management” for public school athletes and expanded the code to include sports groups that use public property.

Read the proposal

One Response

  1. Dear Mary:Please contact Megan Wulff. She is the Research Coordinator at the CTSE (Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopothy) and her nmbuer is 617-638-6143. You can also send her an email at I spoke with Dr. Megan Wulff today and told her that you would be contacting her.On behalf of Fourth and Goal, please let Dave know that he is doing a wonderful thing for all NFL players both active and retired. The reseach may eventually lead to new treatments and even cures for traumatic brain injuries, dementia and Alzheimers. Sincerely,Jeff Nixon

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